i love this song sm >>>
welcome also enjoy this 8-bit baby yoda (there's no reason behind it, just cuteness and happiness....)

(he's so cute i'm screaming what)
here is just dumb cringe useless facts about me if you want to get to know me.
About me:
Introduction UwUowoOWOowoO:333 uwu UWU

hiii my name is andrea im 18, im from philipines living in sydney. im an syleveon who is an aspiring musician+makeup artist. i am an islam convert. i also dream of being a humanitarian. <3<3 i love llamas and gnomes and baby yoda
animals, helping people, gameing, drawing, pink+sparkles, anime, memes, kpop+metal, loa, fashion, singing, dancing, funni people (me ofc)!
toxics, fakes, ppl who hide behind "cancel culture" but are secretly toxic hypocrites, bittermelon, the word moist, gore...
byf,, dni basic criteria
dont send gore, send cp, basically anything sensitive (first of all those are fucking disgusting if you do those u shouldnt be reading this YOU SUOULD BE IN JAIL FUCK OFF YOU WEIRD ASF and honestly its common sense that you shouldnt anyway lol.)
also i dont give two shits about most shit be yourself just dont be a dick to me and i wont be a dick to you
also im loud and talkativeidontkwnohowtofuckignstop!!!onceistarttalkingidontstopaaaaaaaaiamafuckingchatterboxithinksomeobodyfuckingcursedmeohnoimsoifuckingsorrySORRYSORRYYYSORYRY
to save the trouble, if ur just gonna be toxic or are from 2b2t to torture me. shoo.

top 5000 cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳:
Text here
WHO I STAN?!@??!@?2!/4/$6//57
i stan the person reading this right now. ur so sexy, hot, intelligent, funny, and smart. so about that guy that is hot as fuck that you want to #### BLOCK HIM NOW HE IS NOT WORTH IS FUCK YOU BTW YOU NOT HAVIN THIS
also i love nicki minaj, ariana grande, blackpink, twice, bts, bmth, cannibal corpse, britney spears....
if i list all metal bands and kpop groups i know we will all be bored and it will take up so much space that is very unnecessary and btw i am typing random shit to show that we dont need to list it and yes i have no idea why i am still going maybe because my keyboard is is so asmr to hear the typing... oh how i love how it sounds